Turnkey solutions to maximize the life of plant equipmentPlant Services
As a full-service provider, IIA’s team includes licensed professional engineers who work closely with our non-destructive examination (NDE) experts to deliver turnkey solutions to maximize the life of plant equipment in a range of industries.
Our toolkit includes conventional and advanced non-destructive examination (NDE) to pinpoint and analyze cracks, corrosion, erosion and other damage in recovery boilers, piping systems, digesters, kilns — every corner of your plant.
And our services don’t stop there. Our team is also experienced with the mechanical lift devices inside and outside the facility that support your operations. As a full-service company, our experts can assist with outage planning on the front end and follow up inspections with repair recommendations and engineering solutions. Learn more. We can also provide QC/QA personnel to support major projects.
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Certified Welding Inspectors

Industries Served
As a trusted partner to the paper and pulp industry, clients turn to us for unmatched technical expertise and quick project turnaround to keep their paper and pulp mills running smoothly and reliably.
Superior NDE and Advanced NDE services and Plant shut down/turn around NDE services for power and recovery boilers and high energy piping.
CMM and Structured Light Metrology, First Article Inspection, Scan to CAD.
Types of Inspections

Boiler Visual Inspections
We service natural gas, biomass, petroleum, chemical recovery, and heat recovery (HRSG) boilers. We direct ultrasonic thickness mapping to more effectively target problem areas of a boiler and to ultimately cut down on unneeded data points.

Dye Penetrant (PT)
A widely applied and low-cost inspection method used to locate surface-breaking defects in all non-porous materials (metals, plastics, or ceramics). PT is used to detect casting, forging and welding surface defects such as hairline cracks, surface porosity, leaks in new products, and fatigue cracks on in-service components.

Eddy Current Testing
An electromagnetic testing method used in NDT to detect near surface anomalies in conductive material.

Hardness Testing
Hardness Testing is performed in the field with a small hand-held device and is used to gauge the strength of the metal. This is useful when determining the correct welding electrode to use during structural repair.

Magnetic Lift Off Testing
Measurement of lift-off can be used to assess the thermal insulation thickness and it has the potential to reduce the lift-off effect in pulsed eddy current testing.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT)
A non-destructive testing (NDT) process for detecting surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and some of their alloys. The process puts a magnetic field into the part to facilitate flaw detection.

Metallographic Replications
A NDT method, duplicating the microstructure of a component in order to observe grain structure at high magnification.

Phased Array UT (PAUT)
An advanced method of ultrasonic testing used to determine component quality and detect flaws in manufactured materials, such as welds. In addition, it can be effectively used for wall thickness measurements in conjunction with corrosion testing. This NDT technique is minimally invasive, highly flexible, and offers multiple applications.

Positive Material Identification (PMI)
The analysis of a metallic alloy to establish composition by reading the quantities by percentage of its constituent elements. IIA has implemented X-ray fluorescence (XRF) which is a typical method for PMI.

Pulsed Eddy Current Testing
A non-destructive examination technique used for detecting flaws or corrosion in ferrous materials or measuring the thickness of objects. PEC is useful in situations where an object’s surface is rough or inaccessible. This method doesn’t require surface preparation or removing any insulation.

Ultrasonic Thickness Testing (UTT)
A volumetric non-destructive testing method that uses sound waves to propagate through an object.

Weld Procedure and Qualification (CWI)
Qualification to either American Welding Society (AWS) or American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standards through Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI) with mobile capabilities for your convenience.

Visual & Optical Testing
For DA tanks, steam turbines, fans, pressure vessels, high energy piping, stack/tower, etc. We have highly skilled employees that will inspect for indications such as cracks, corrosion, erosion, damage, and structural integrity.
Engineering Capabilities
Fitness-for-Service (FFS) Evaluations
After a flaw or damage mechanism has been identified, our FFS evaluations assess the structural integrity of in-service equipment, such as tanks, piping and pressure vessels, to help plant owners make informed run-repair-replace decisions.
Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Using sophisticated computer modeling software, we can accurately predict how a component will perform when subjected to real-world stresses, such as heat, vibration, or impact. You’ll receive accurate modeling data that you can compare against specifications, codes and regulatory standards.
Service Water System Evaluations / Tmin Calculations
We perform ASME-compliant flaw evaluations of Service Water piping. Combined with our engineering expertise in Tmin calculations, IIA can clarify the parameters for safe operations.
Structural Engineering
Our team can support industrial design and plant engineering projects such as:
Mezzanines, Equipment Access Platforms, Catwalks, Canopies, etc.
Loading Docks & Ramps
Overhead Crane Structure Design / Upgrading / Engineered Lifts
Other Shop Cranes / Below The Hook Design
Building Modifications and Expansions
Fall Protection Systems, Including
Horizontal & Vertical Lifeline Systems
Guard Railing
Pre-Start Health & Safety Reviews (PSR’s) for:
Lift Equipment
Industrial Racking
Heavy Machine Foundations and Bases
Rooftop Unit (RTU) Equipment Supports
Open Web Steel Joist Reinforcement (OWSR) Design
Smoke Stack Design
General Structural Steel and Concrete Design
Mechanical & Asset Integrity Inspections
API 653 / 510 / 570
A mechanical integrity program employing methods of non-destructive testing to detect structural flaws in process plant equipment can go a long way toward keeping your work environment safe. We specialize in inspecting the following types of equipment:
- Above-Ground Storage Tanks
- Pressure Vessels
- Piping Systems
- Heat Exchanger & Boiler Tubes
Storage Tank Inspection
External inspections are carried out periodically to verify tank integrity using the following techniques:
- Visual inspection of tank per API recommendations
- Examination of tank foundation and compound area
- Ultrasonic A-Scan thickness testing of shell walls and roof plates
- Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant testing of suspect areas
- Settlement surveys
Internal inspections are carried out during outages using the following techniques:
- Visual inspection of tank per API recommendations
- Examination of tank foundation and compound area
- Magnetic flux leakage (MFL) testing to locate top and bottom side corrosion on the floor plates
- Ultrasonic A-Scan thickness testing of tank floor, shell and roof plates
- Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant testing of suspect areas
- Vacuum box leak testing of welds
- Settlement surveys
Additional Services
We can also provide the following services as your total tank maintenance partner:
- Tank maintenance program development and auditing
- Quality assurance services for tank construction and repair monitoring
- CAD services for as built drawings and modifications
- Engineering support for lifting and rigging operations
- Custom engineered structural support frames
Additional Resources

Certifications and Guidelines
- All Certifications Based on Guidelines in SNT-TC-1A and CP189
- Texas Department of State Health Services – Radioactive Materials Licensing (MC 2835)
- New Mexico Environment Department Radioactive Material License
- In Line Inspection Validation
- American Welding Society
- Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/UE (European Certification)
- Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999
- ASNT Level III