Proactive Service Water Evaluations to Improve System Integrity

Service Water systems play a crucial role at power plants. Over time, however, fatigue, corrosion and other factors can take a toll, calling into question the system’s ability to perform its design basis function.

One of the ways plant owners monitor the mechanical integrity of Service Water systems is by measuring wall thickness at designated piping locations and comparing those measurements to design criteria, or “Tmin” values (minimum allowable thickness measurements).

Tmin values are fundamental to corrosion analyses because they help establish the timing of inspections and replacements. There are a number of ways to calculate Tmin, but when you need the bottom line for continued safe operations, IIA can help.

Nuclear and fossil power plants across North America trust IIA to perform ASME-compliant flaw evaluations of Service Water piping. Combined with our engineering expertise in Tmin calculations, IIA’s full-service solutions give plant owners confidence and clarity around the parameters for safe operations.

Asset Management Made Easy

When measured wall thickness does not meet Tmin values due to corrosion, degradation, cracks or flaws, plant owners must take action to address the non-compliance. We understand the nuances of run/repair/replace decisions, and our sophisticated analyses shine a light on the best option for your situation.

Repair or replacement may not always be the safest or most economical option. It’s important to weigh the impact of diverting resources to an unplanned repair — resources that might otherwise have been used for capital improvements or equipment modifications. In addition, unplanned repairs could put you on critical path during an outage, where any schedule slippage can cost thousands of dollars an hour.

IIA believes that helping clients maintain existing assets has significant advantages in terms of safety and cost. Our engineering analyses can help plant owners demonstrate to regulatory agencies that a system’s functionality and integrity will not decline with continued operation. Our proven methods include fitness-for-service (FFS) evaluations and finite element analysis (FEA).

Why Choose IIA?

When damage or defects are identified in service water piping, the experts at IIA can help you navigate your options to safely extend equipment life. Our network includes state-of-the-art labs and a multidisciplinary team of engineers with in-depth knowledge of the electric industry. We are well-versed in all regulations affecting the electric power industry. Members of our team even helped write some of the industry’s most-cited codes, such as ASME Code Case N-513 for temporary acceptance of flaws. Our decades of industry experience can help you navigate regulatory complexities with confidence.

Our service water solutions meet ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI requirements.


IIA ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION CUT SHEET - With decades of experience, IIA provides engineering, inspection and lab services across North America to help plant owners and manufacturers safely extend the life of their… Read More