IIA 3D Scanning and Data Capture

January 8, 2019

Should You Purchase 3D Scanning Equipment or Outsource Services

If you plan to use 3D scanning technology on a fairly regular basis, you likely will need to decide whether to outsource services to a qualified 3D scanning provider or to purchase your own 3D scanning equipment. Like any major financial decision, weighing the pros and cons of each option is a good first step.
May 4, 2018

4 Key Benefits of Using 3D Scanning for Dimensional Measurement and Reverse Engineering

The manufacturing industry is experiencing a surge in productivity which is leading to an ever increasing need to verify that the parts being produced meet the specified requirements. When timelines are critical and tolerances are growing ever tighter, it is imperative that the quality process involved in reinforcing the part’s requirements consistently adds value to manufacturing.
October 31, 2017
part sorting

How Does It Measure Up: CMMs vs. Structured Light 3D Scanners

With their repeatable accuracy and programmability, coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) have universally been known as the ultimate dimensional measurement and inspection equipment by using contact probing to deliver single point by point sparse measurement data. However, 3D scanning is widely accepted as an effective, accurate, and fast way to collect and analyze measurement data.
September 9, 2016
California State University, Fullerton’s Formula SAE Team’s Race Car Engine 3D Scanning

California State University, Fullerton’s Formula SAE Team’s Race Car Engine 3D Scanning

California State University, Fullerton’s Formula SAE chapter is back from their brief break to build another beast of a race car. Using IIA 3D scanning expertise to aid them, the team enters into their 3rd year in the challenging Formula SAE competition which encompasses designing, building, and competing a mini-formula style race car that will be evaluated for its potential as a production item.
January 8, 2013

Five Misconceptions About 3D Scanning Tools

3D scanners are increasingly used for dimensional inspection and reverse engineering. Much like other measurement tools, these devices do not offer a one-size-fits-all solution. In fact, selecting the right 3D scanner is a rigorous process that depends on a number of factors.