Knowledge Hub

May 3, 2020
Radiographic Testing

Is Spending Extra for Consistent NDE Worth It?

Inadequate NDE that fails to meet minimum sensitivity or density requirements has effects that trickle down to delay project completion & add expense.
May 3, 2020
How to Ensure Your Piping Doesn’t Take Down Your Operation

How to Ensure Your Piping Doesn’t Take Down Your Operation

Refineries and chemical plants are increasingly complicated operations thanks to cleaner manufacturing process regulations, but how clean is clean?
May 3, 2020
Remote Visual Inspection

Afraid to Look In Your Process or Acid Sewers?

Despite continuous efforts to prevent damage to mechanisms, corrosion and fouling are inevitable over time - even in the best-maintained pipes.
May 3, 2020
NDE X-Ray Services

7 Common Problems with NDE X-Ray Services Firms

While every Radiographic Testing (RT) firm is different, there are 7 common issues customers often cite as being problematic.
May 3, 2020
CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine

Choosing the Right Service: Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Inspection or Laser Scanning

A CMM Inspection defines part features through direct contact with the part using industry standard methodology to define features of the part. It’s a highly accurate system but can be more costly to use for a large quantity of parts.