Knowledge Hub

July 30, 2020

Overhead Crane Inspections: Safety. Personal Service. No Compromise.

Industrial Inspection & Analysis Lifting Services values quality and safety when it comes to overhead crane inspections and services. IIA has a long-standing and well-maintained reputation […]
July 22, 2020

Bil Benton: Winning Then, Now and Later

Bil Benton path to becoming South Texas Regional Manager for Industrial Inspection & Analysis, was in no way a straight line. The path was adventurous, ambitious […]
July 22, 2020

Nadia Ibrahimi: Striving for Excellence and Helping Others Do The Same

What is calibration? This is what Nadia Ibrahimi wondered to herself the first time she walked into her brand new position as a Shipping & Receiving […]
July 14, 2020

David: Double-Checking, Triple-Checking. A Place for Everything

Full of integrity and always smiling, David ensures all equipment is clean, functioning properly, and ready to go for technician use and customer rental.
July 9, 2020
A Major Pipeline Services Company Partners with IIA Lifting Services as Go-To Repair Service and Annual Inspection Provider

A Major Pipeline Services Company Partners with IIA Lifting Services as Go-To Repair Service and Annual Inspection Provider

IIA works with a major pipeline services company that designs, builds, and operates natural gas pipelines and provides services to customers across the US.