Turnkey Services for Tower CranesTower Cranes
In 2024 and 2025, major changes to Ontario tower crane safety regulations (O.Reg.213/91) took effect.
The new regulations require significantly more inspections and greater engineering oversight to certify that a tower crane is safe to use.
As a long-time leader in crane inspection and certification, Industrial Inspection & Analysis (IIA) and our Kova Engineering subsidiary are well equipped to help you navigate changing regulations and remain in compliance — now and in the future.
- Tower Crane Inspection
- Placement Design
- Foundation Design
- Tie-In/Tie-Back Design
- Strut Design
- Sign Brackets
- Test Weight Design
- Daily Test Procedure Development
- Anti-Collision Installation Review
- Post-Erection Testing & Documentation
- In-Air Inspection
- Final Review & Approval per Ontario Regulation
Our field inspection teams are backed by a network of licensed professional engineers to offer turnkey solutions for tower cranes. When you partner with IIA/Kova Engineering, you’ll gain peace of mind about the safety and compliance of your equipment.
Learn more about IIA’s Lifting Equipment Inspection & Repair in Canada.
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IIA/Kova Services to Meet New 2025 Ontario Crane Requirements
(in typical sequential order for an on-site tower crane installation)
- Tower crane placement design (foundation details + site layout, including assembly sequence)
- Tower crane anchor stool/shoe design
- Tower crane tie-in design to building
- Tower crane miscellaneous designs, if needed (transition sections to adapt different mast sizes, sign brackets, test weight design, daily test procedure development, etc.)
- Disassembled structural inspection prior to installation on site, including crane and miscellaneous components (tie-in struts, anchor stools/shoes, test weights, etc.)
- Crane foundation pre-pour conformance check to drawings
- Crane tie-in pre-pour conformance to installation
- Post-installation structural inspection and conformance check to placement drawings.
- Post-installation witness/document of limit switch and anti-collision functions (test by operators, witness/document by Kova).
- Final review and report indicating all items complete and crane is safe for use.
Read more from the Ontario government and the Professional Engineers of Ontario – Engineering Inspection Practice Standard for Tower Cranes.
We may also be able to answer questions and provide guidance related to the following services:
- Geotechnical testing of soil to verify ground bearing capacity
- Disassembled electrical/mechanical inspections, including slew ring maintenance
- Post-installation electrical/mechanical inspections, including erector’s report