PDI-Qualified & EPRI-Endorsed Outage Experts Using Cutting-Edge Technology to Meet Compliance RequirementsNuclear Outage Services
IIA’s team ensures the continued reliability and operation of your plant, and we have the expertise, ability, and capacity to respond to multiple concurrent outages.
We are truly the outage experts. Our team includes some of the most highly qualified professionals from ASNT Level II and III Technicians to Certified Weld Inspectors who provide all in-service IST and ISI inspection work including examining welds, offering unmatched elbow weld inspections, and providing examinations for valves, heavy wall components, reactor vessels, steam reactors, and condensate storage tanks. Our professionals are responsive and can mobilize quickly to meet all your facility needs.
For over four decades IIA has been the go-to service provider, conducting safe, quality outage inspections, outage planning, and other maintenance needs across North America. IIA is EPRI endorsed, and our team consists of highly qualified and certified ASNT Level I, II, and III Technicians, including Certified Welding Inspectors. Our professionals have training and hands-on experience in all inspection and testing methods, and we also ensure they understand plant operations, guidelines, goals, and needs.
Plan, Schedule, &
Execute a Cost
Effective Outage
Call us at 979-399-7151
or fill out the form below and we will respond back within 24 hours.
IIA’S Proven Outage Process
IIA has procedures and personnel qualified through the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI) and Boiling Water Reactor Inspection Program (BWRVIP), and our team includes highly qualified and certified Level I, II, and III NDE Technicians, including Certified Welding Inspectors. Our highly trained professionals bring hands-on experience in all examinations and testing methods and a deep understanding of plant operations, goals and regulatory requirements.
- Identify exam and maintenance needs for major equipment and assign outage status.
- Develop a detailed outage plan and tracking system to include pre-shutdown testing, repair work and maintenance action items, including predictive maintenance and postrepair testing.
- Identify and plan for materials. We can support multiple unit outages (component movement and refurbishment).
- Assign and schedule work to ensure efficiency and costeffectiveness.
- Assess daily process and progress to properly and effectively conduct and coordinate work.
- Complete and deliver post-outage documentation, reports, reviews, and data.
Outage Services We Provide
Services Include:
- Aerial & Lift Device Inspections
- API 653 tank inspections
- API 570 piping inspections
- API 510 Pressurized Vessels
- Boiler Visual Inspection
- Burner Set-up
- Heat Exchangers (Eddy Current)
- Hydrogen Damage Inspection
- IRIS & Near Drum Testing
- Outage Planning
- Quality Control / Quality Assurance
- Reactor Vessel, Condensate, & Reactor Inspections
- Tank and Piping Inspections
- Ultrasonic Mapping
- Valve & Nozzle Examinations
- Visual Examination
NonDestructive Examination (NDE) Services:
- Advanced NDE
- Aerial & Lift Device Inspections
- Computed Radiography
- Corrosion Mapping
- Eddy Current
- Ferrite Testing
- Flex Form Phased Array
- Full Matrix Capture (FMC)
- Hardness Testing
- Heat Exchangers (Eddy Current)
- Magnetic Particle (MT)
- Penetrant Testing (PT)
- Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) Manual & Automated
- Radiography (RT/CR/X-Ray)
- Reactor Vessel, Condensate, & Reactor Inspections
- Shear Wave
- Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)
- Traditional NDE
- Ultrasonic Mapping
- Ultrasonic Thickness Testing (UTT)
- Valve & Nozzle Examinations
- Visual Examination
- Visual Testing (VT)
Internal Visual Inspections of anything from 1⁄4" and above in tanks, tubes, vessels or pipes, including:
- Cracks, Holes or Joint Separation
- Collapsed Pipes
- Blockage or Debris Build Up
- Foreign Object Removal/Retrieval
- General Assessment - Cleanliness, Corrosion, Water
- Feedwater Line Inspections
- Cold and Hot Reheat Line Inspections with Magnetic Crawlers
- ROV to assist in inspection of CST and RWST tanks
Inspection Methods:
- Visual Inspections
- Eddy Current Testing
- Magnetic Particle Testing
- Penetrant Testing
- Ultrasonic Mapping and Inspections
- Ultrasonic shear wave weld examinations
Cutting-Edge Technology
Our patented ARMUT® utilizes QR code film on complex geometry to examine critical welds and gather extremely high-resolution images, and the innovative and patented PASS® technology and examination method assists in making critical decisions regarding valve operability and predictive maintenance.

While we provide conventional and advanced inspection methods, such as visual and ultrasonic inspections, magnetic particle and penetrant testing, we also have proprietary technology to aid in inspection speed and reliability.
Some of our proprietary technology is used in lieu of radiography, which provides a safer testing environment while working with fewer on-site crew members, allowing other plant personnel to simultaneously continue work on their tasks.

In addition, our patented AIRIS® technology along with an ROV are deployed and used to scan components inside reactor vessels as well as inspection of the CST and RWST.

Other Services
IIA also uses Remote Visual Inspection techniques and technology to maintain FME protocols. These tools are used to locate and retrieve foreign objects which can cause contamination and lead to shut-downs resulting in loss of revenue and catastrophic failures.
We employ the best in the business, deploy the most accurate equipment, and provide the highest quality methods. Our quality service, inspection, maintenance, and emergent service helps avoid shut-downs, restore reliable operations, and assist in making critical decisions for your plant..

Brochures & Summary Sheets
Additional Resources

What Customers are Saying
“Nuclear power plants are unique and require adhering to special safety rules and processes. I believe IIA’s nuclear site experience was a critical factor in the project’s success.”
Certifications & Guidelines
- ISO/IEC 17025 : 2005
- ISO/IEC 17065 : 2012
- ITAR Registered
- FAR Part 145 Certification
- Federal Firearms License (FLL)
- NADCAP Accredited
- ASNT Certified Level 2 and 3
- Our Facilities Meet a Variety of MIL-SPEC, ANSI, ASTM, and ASME Specifications
- Cessna Authorized Independent NDI Facility
- All Certifications Based on Guidelines in In-Line Inspection Validation 10CFR50, Appendix B, SNT-TC-1A and CP189 Part 21 ANSI Standard N45.2
- Approved Vendor of:

- NAS 410
- ANST CP-189
- NAVSEA T9074-AS-GIB-010/271