IIA 3D Scanning and Data Capture

August 22, 2022
3D Measurements device measures 3D printed plastic part. 3D scan

When to use 3D precision scanning for your project

When you need quick feedback on the overall part to determine its accuracy to the design, a 3D scan may be the best option. A full FAI or even a partial dimensional inspection may be more than is necessary when performing an initial validation.
December 15, 2021

Customer Kudos on CT Scan Services

When Drink Cirkul – manufacturer of an innovative bottle that produces flavored water with every sip — needed to quickly evaluate part geometry, IIA’s 3D scanning […]
September 29, 2020

The Inside Look on IIA’s 3D Scanning Capabilities

Industrial Inspection & Analysis Lab Services offers cutting-edge CT Scanning, 3D Scanning, and Geometry Recreation. These services support the entire Product Lifecycle from New Product Development, […]
February 11, 2019

iPads Shipping Bent and Making Thin Things Flat

The 2018 iPad Pro began shipping in late 2018 and many who received theirs noticed a visible bend in what they expected to be a flat device. According to Apple, the bend is due to the cooling process performed on the iPad Pro’s metal and plastic components during manufacturing.
January 8, 2019

Should You Purchase 3D Scanning Equipment or Outsource Services

If you plan to use 3D scanning technology on a fairly regular basis, you likely will need to decide whether to outsource services to a qualified 3D scanning provider or to purchase your own 3D scanning equipment. Like any major financial decision, weighing the pros and cons of each option is a good first step.