Knowledge Hub

August 8, 2013

11 Must-Satisfy Reverse Engineering Vendor Requirements

Whether you decide to outsource reverse engineering services or purchase equipment so you can do it in-house, you must work with a qualified provider that you trust. The reasons may be obvious in the case of outsourcing, but selecting a good reseller when you decide to buy is just as important.
July 31, 2013

Nine Things to Consider When Purchasing Reverse Engineering Equipment

If you have decided that purchasing your own reverse engineering equipment is the most cost-effective solution for your project, the next step is determining what to buy. Countless types of equipment are available, with a range of features and from several manufacturers.
July 19, 2013

Outsourcing Reverse Engineering? Answer These 7 Questions

If you have decided that outsourcing reverse engineering services makes the most sense for your project or business, you still have some decisions to make. Not all reverse engineering applications are the same. You must decide what type of equipment to use and what kind of output you need, as well as consider a range of other factors.
July 2, 2013

Reverse Engineering: Should You Purchase Equipment or Outsource?

If you need reverse engineering for your business, you may come to a point when you must decide if you want to outsource to a qualified provider or purchase equipment to do the job in-house.
June 28, 2013

Ontario government reverses repeal of Industrial Exception rule

The Ontario government recently passed the decision to withdraw a proclamation for the repeal to the Industrial Exception that was scheduled to be enacted September 1, 2013.