Industrial Inspection

August 8, 2022

Industrial Inspection News Q2 Newsletter

At IIA, we are committed to operating in an environmentally and socially responsible manner and to help our customers do so as well.
March 2, 2021

The Financial Cost of Rust and Corrosion

Corrosion is a force of nature. It doesn’t care whether your company owns a fleet of cranes or if you have a forklift or two, whichever […]
November 13, 2020

The Long and Short of Guided Wave Technology (GWT)

Guided Wave Technology (GWT), which was originally referred to as Guided Ultrasonics Limited, is an extremely useful and effective non-destructive examination (NDE) method, especially for use […]
October 30, 2020
foreign object debris image

Foreign Object Debris (FOD)

Within many nuclear and electrical power plants as well as in other industrial facilities, there is a major concern surrounding safety and operation when it comes […]
July 20, 2020
IIA Nuclear Services

IIA’s Nuclear Services

IIA's Nuclear Services provides incomparable advanced NDE solutions to both domestic and international nuclear power plants. We offer a comprehensive range of proprietary technologies and innovative solutions to meet both Section XI and Non-Section XI needs. Our pledge of quality and professionalism is paramount to ensure the confidence and trust of our customers.