Our NDT Inspection Methodologies are EndlessNon-Destructive Testing

What is Non-Destructive Testing?

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a method of testing in which the condition of materials can be evaluated without causing damage.

Because NDT does not physically alter the items being inspected, it is a highly valuable technique across many industries.

At IIA, we have seen how NDT can save your company both money and time in product evaluation, troubleshooting, and failure prevention.


  • Magnetic Particle Inspection
  • Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection
  • Ultrasonic Testing
  • Liquid Penetrant Inspection
  • Dielectric Testing
  • Magnetic Wire Rope Testing
  • Material Testing
  • Visual Inspection
  • Acoustic Emission Testing

    Talk To An Expert

    Don’t see exactly what you are looking for? Or maybe you do and want more specifics or an estimate. Either way, you can call us at
470-552-8301 right now or just fill out the form below and we will respond back within 24 hours.

    IIA offers many Non-Destructive Testing Services & NDT certifications, as well as Magnetic Flux Testing (MFL), read more about these services below.

    Coating Thickness Testing

    Coating thickness testing refers to a special gauge used to measure dry paint thickness. A coating thickness gauge provides information on the expected life of the substrate, the product's fitness for purpose, its appearance, while also ensuring compliance with a host of international codes and standards.

    Dielectric Testing

    Dielectric Testing (DT) is a non-destructive method of introducing an electrical current into an insulated component to determine its ability to protect against electrical current.

    Expediting QC/QA

    - Inspection Test Plans
    - Resident Site Inspector
    - Weld Procedures
    - Review NDT Results

    Hardness Testing

    Hardness Testing is performed in the field with a small hand-held device and is used to gauge the strength of the metal. This is useful when determining the correct welding electrode to use during structural repair.

    Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL)

    Magnetic flux leakage is used to find areas of metal loss due to corrosion or erosion. It is most common in inspection of pipelines, tank floors and heat exchanger tubes.

    Magnetic Particle Inspection

    - Dry Powder
    - Wet Fluorescent
    - Wet Visible

    Penetrant Inspection

    - Liquid/Dye
    - Wet Visible
    - Wet Fluorescent

    Ultrasonic Testing

    - Thickness Testing
    - Shearwave Weld Inspection
    - Lamination Scans
    - Flaw Detection
    - IRIS Tube Inspection

    Vacuum Box Testing

    Vacuum box testing is used to test the integrity of the seal between two plates, usually on a lap weld joint. A bubble solution is first applied to a clean, bare weld surface. The vacuum box is then placed over the joint and the compressor turned on until the gauge indicates a vacuum.

    Any tiny holes or cracks that penetrate through the joint will cause air to be drawn up from the opposite surface, through the solution, and will form bubbles.

    Vacuum box testing is commonly used in tank inspections for roof and floor repairs. Special box shapes can be made to test corners and curved surfaces.

    Visual Inspection

    - Weld Inspection
    - Steel Inspection Services
    - Fabrication
    - Erection Inspection
    - 3rd Party Review


    • CWB Visual Welding Inspectors
    • AWS Certified Visual Inspectors
    • CGSB Certification
      • Magnetic Particle Inspectors
      • Ultrasonic Testing Inspectors
      • Liquid Penetrant Inspectors
    • Aerospace (AMO 84-18)
    • SNTC-1A Certification
      • Magnetic Particle Inspectors
      • Ultrasonic Testing Inspectors
      • Liquid Penetrant Inspectors
    • Dielectric Testing Technicians
    • SCCIP Concrete Pump Inspectors

    With the acquisition of Kova Engineering in December 2024, we are a CSA W178.2 certified inspection agency with the Canadian Welding Bureau and a Transport Canada approved NDT Aircraft Maintenance Organization. In addition to the Canadian standards, our inspectors have certifications in accordance with the American Welding Society (AWS) and American Society for Non-Destructive Testing (ASNT).


    Canada Newsletter – Q1 2025 - With the recent acquisitions of Kova Engineering and Tribologik Laboratories, IIA’s footprint in Canada is growing by leaps and bounds! Learn More
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