Suspended Work Platforms Require NonDestructive TestingConstruction Work Platform Services
As of January 1st, 2017 the Ontario Construction Regulations, as per section 139.1(3), now require suspended work platforms to be nondestructively tested (NDT).
This test is to be completed on representative samples of each type of structural component, and is to be done at least annually.
Group 1 - Trusses, corner or angled sections, and platform modules. Group 2 - Stirrups, module connectors, and end frames.
Every critical weld on each structural component as selected as part of the representative sample must be subjected to NDT.
Suspended Work Platforms (aka Swing Stages)
Structural components of suspended work platforms have been categorized into the following groups:Every critical weld on each structural component as selected as part of the representative sample must be subjected to NDT.

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Mast Climbers
Alerts from the Ministry of Labour are calling for more comprehensive testing of mast-climbing work platforms, which includes recommendations for:
Our company already meets the criteria necessary to fulfill these recommendations which will likely be formalized in CSA B354.5-07 in the near future.
- The person performing the inspection be an engineer OR designated in writing as competent for the task by a professional engineer.
- Critical welds be inspected using methods of nondestructive testing.
Our company already meets the criteria necessary to fulfill these recommendations which will likely be formalized in CSA B354.5-07 in the near future.

How We Can Help
Our company has:
- In-house professional engineers.
- A team of CGSB certified nondestructive testing personnel competent in inspecting work platforms.
Our services include:
- Engineering related to platform installations such as engineered supports or tie in’s to the building per manufacturer requirements.
- Engineered weld repair procedures to help repair deficiencies in your equipment to make it fit for use.
Lift Planning
With years of experience in Lift Planning Engineering, IIA helps to ensure the safe delivery of any heavy load.
Aerial Lift Inspection
With years of experience in Lift Planning Engineering, IIA helps to ensure the safe delivery of any heavy load.
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