Reduce Downtime with Computer Aided Verification

September 10, 2015 | < 1 min read

Production downtime can be a big hurdle and a big cost for any manufacturer (“time is money,” as the saying goes). That’s why Computer Aided Verification, also known as CAV or deviation analysis, can be a valuable tool to quickly check pre-machining conditions, post-machining conditions, form, fit, function, assembly mating surfaces, and more.

Analysis of the color map can provide insight into how the parts fit together and function in an assembly, as well as deviation of individual components. A single laser scan can produce data for a multitude of inspections.

Over the years, an array of Industrial Inspection & Analysis (IIA) customers have experienced the cost benefits of CAV. These clients realize that spending/investing a little more time and money in the design and prototyping phase for CAV, actually saves them money and time getting to full production. This ultimately results in satisfied, repeat customers for our clients.

Download a few of our sample files and see what a typical deliverable would look like, and how it can help you avoid manufacturing downtimes, keep your customers happy, and save you time and money.