IIA SAR Testing Equipment by DASY8

IIA has invested in the most precise and advanced SAR test platform available today: the DASY8, SPEAG’s latest generation of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) test system. With this state-of-the-art equipment, we can test for compliance with local and whole-body specific absorption rate limits from 4MHz to 10GHz.

IIA EMC Office
IIA EMC Office - Introduction to Industrial Inspection & Analysis's new EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) office in Gainesville, Florida. Watch video
IIA SAR Testing Equipment by DASY8
IIA SAR Testing Equipment by DASY8 - IIA's new DASY8 SAR Testing equipment in our cutting-edge EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) Lab Watch video
Deviation Analysis of a Terminal Board
Deviation Analysis of a Terminal Board - Deviation analysis is a cost-effective method of inspection that compares 3D scan data to a known standard — and it’s one of our specialties at IIA. … Watch video