Grease Testing & Analysis

Our team will also test and analyze grease to identify any contaminants and impairments in its ability to flow through equipment and protect metal surfaces.

In addition to grease testing, our labs are equipped to test oil, fuel, coolant and other fluids, for a detailed and comprehensive report on the condition of your equipment. 

Lithium, Viscosity & Dropping Point

Grease is used to lubricate sealed parts and components that cannot be lubricated frequently or that require higher viscosity and more resistance than oil. Some examples of equipment that operate in harsh conditions with these requirements are those with high speed and high load components such as roller bearings.

Grease is a mixture of three types of ingredients:
  • Oil
  • A thickener or soap that provides its semi-solid consistency and appearance. Lithium soap is widely used in industrial greases as it provides good adherence to metal, is non-corrosive and may be used under heavy loads and high temperature.
  • Viscosity-, durability-, or resistance-improving additives.

  • Large, high-speed bearing greases should be tested frequently to monitor the depletion of lithium, viscosity and dropping point. The dropping point is the temperature at which a grease will degrade from a semi-solid to a liquid state.

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