Dimensional Inspections

October 7, 2019

How to Choose a Dimensional Inspection Lab for your Medical Device Parts

A medical device can be any instrument, apparatus, machine, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar article, that is intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease or other medical conditions. These include simple devices like scalpels, larger devices like wheelchairs, implantable devices like cardiac pacemakers and prosthetic joints, and life-supporting devices like respirators.
November 30, 2017
dimensional service provider

Qualifying Quality Inspection: Key Factors in Selecting a Dimensional Service Provider

In manufacturing industries where the difference in a decimal point may determine whether a 21st century elite battleship sinks or floats, quality is as integral as the bolts that bind that vessel together. Finding a dimensional inspection lab that can not only proficiently provide a variety of services, but also do so reliably and consistently can prove to be a daunting task if you are not equipped with the right criteria.
April 25, 2017

3 Nano Measurement Factors to Consider for Dimensional Inspection

As technology in our world progresses exponentially, the demand for more precise measurement requirements grows as the components manufactured within these products become smaller and smaller.
November 30, 2016

3 Surprising Facts about Dimensional Inspection

When you think about your daily life the topic of dimensional inspection will likely never come up. In fact, many people could go through their lives not understanding how dimensional inspection works, let alone how it fits into almost every aspect of their daily lives through the products they use.
May 12, 2015

4 Nano Measurement Factors to Consider Before Purchasing Services

Manufacturers in all types of industries often outsource metrology services to a qualified provider, including for nano measurement. This practice is common because purchasing equipment is expensive, there are ongoing costs to maintain it, and you must have qualified staff with the time to operate it.