Certified Visual Inspection of Structures & WeldmentsVisual Inspections
As a CWB certified inspection organization under standard CSA W178.1, we can provide skilled visual inspectors certified to CSA W178.2 Level 1, 2, and 3.
Our team is equipped to handle any visual inspection project, large or small, made of carbon steel, stainless steel, or Aluminum.
Our past projects include:
Visually inspecting product weld quality and overall workmanship Reviewing drawings and specifications Developing or reviewing welding procedures and verifying adequate equipment Witnessing welder qualification testing Ensuring that fabrication personnel are qualified and that fabrication procedures are adhered to Verifying material test reports and proper flow of materials Confirming that “as built” dimensions match drawings and document variances Examining bolting installation and performing torque testing Determining extent of nondestructive testing required Performing/overseeing nondestructive testing and verifying results Performing/overseeing coating inspections and verify results Observing product shipping and receiving operations Conducting inspections — both in the fabricator’s shop and at construction site Auditing fabricator’s quality control department
The final structural inspection and test plan, as well as all test results, are reviewed by a certified to W178.2 Level 3 for Visual Inspection.
Whether your project is a quick weld verification, or an in-depth verification of structural steel during fabrication or erection, we can help.
Our past projects include:
The final structural inspection and test plan, as well as all test results, are reviewed by a certified to W178.2 Level 3 for Visual Inspection.
Talk To An Expert
Don’t see exactly what you are looking for? Or maybe you do and want more specifics or an estimate. Either way, you can call us at 470-552-8301 right now or just fill out the form below and we will respond back within 24 hours.
Our Experience
Our visual inspection services extend to inspection of structures and weldments on bridges, pilings and building framework. Often, the design drawings or contract requires a third- party inspection by visual weld inspectors.
Past projects include:
- Bridge structures and ultrasonic inspection of H-pile welds
- Grandstand framework
- Transportation and roadwork projects
- Private and government contract work
- Quality Assurance / Quality Control

Applicable Standards:
- CSA W59
- CSA W59.2
- AWS D1.1
- AWS D1.6