6 Key Factors to Consider for the 3D Scanning Process

May 29, 2021 | < 1 min read

When people engage outsourced 3D scanning services, they don’t always know what happens behind the scenes. You might hand over your sample, describe the type of data output you need and leave the rest to the experts. Although there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with this scenario, the more you know about the 3D scanning process, the more you can be sure that the service you are getting is the best fit for your application.

6 Key Factors for the 3D Scanning Process

Some of the elements a provider considers when a sample is delivered for 3D scanning include:

  1. Type of Information Required – Different technology is used for various types of data. For example, you might use two different devices to produce a 3D rendering of the overall shape of a smartphone and to determine the thickness of the glass on its face.
  2. Characteristics of the Object – If your sample is reflective, is magnetic, or has a particularly sensitive surface, there are certain types of measurement equipment that will not work for your application. In most cases, there is a viable solution to measuring almost any type of surface, but not all 3D scanning equipment works for every type of object.
  3. Level of Accuracy Required – If you are determining the surface characteristics of a basketball, there is a big difference between getting results with 3mm resolution and 3nm resolution. Your provider will need to know what level of accuracy it must achieve for your application in order to deliver appropriate results.
  4. Scanning speed – You might use different types of equipment depending on how quickly you need results and how accurate you need them to be. The more you share about the reasons for a 3D scanning project, the more likely you are to meet all of your internal criteria.
  5. Sample Size – Every 3D scanning device has limitations on the size of object it is capable of measuring. Obviously, you can’t use the same device to measure an airplane and a microchip, but even a laptop and a microchip might not fit in the same measurement envelope.
  6. Project Budget – There is no sense in paying for services that you don’t need, so take the time to discuss both your measurement and budget goals with your provider. Using the basketball example from above, if you only need information at the millimeter scale, you shouldn’t pay for results at the nanometer scale if it will cost more.

All of these factors (and more) are evaluated to determine which type of 3D scanning and which equipment model to use.

A good 3D scanning provider will walk you through every step of the process to make sure it knows exactly what you need before deciding which type of equipment to use for your project. IIA is committed to providing both the best 3D scanning service and the best 3D scanning technology. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and see the difference for yourself.